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Facilities Tour at JA Frate and Fabrik Molded Plastics

It was our pleasure to host Illinois Department of Commerce Director Erin Guthrie for a tour of the new, state-of-the-art facitilies at JA Frate and Fabrik Molded Plastics in McHenry. We would like to extend a special thank you to former McHenry County EDC President Pam Cumpata for guiding us....

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Flocon, Inc.

Please help us support McHenry County EDC investor company Flocon, Inc. by liking their page. Flocon, Inc. was founded in 1989 and has operated in Woodstock since that time. Flocon, Inc. manufactures fluid dispensing systems in addition to a wide range of complementary services right here in...

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Rial Bates: Remember the Three P’s of Networking

“Anyone who is taking valuable time away from family, hobbies or business to attend an evening networking mixer wants to meet new people. They want to meet you!” – Kay Rial Bates McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce President, Kay Rial Bates recently wrote a great piece in...

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